Meet the Team

  • Brent Yee


  • Horashio

    Hello! I'm Horashio, an 18-year-old passionate about spaceflight. Joining The Weekly Spaceman allows me to share my enthusiasm for rockets and space exploration. I enjoy writing in-depth articles about rockets I find interesting

  • Eve Carruthers

    Hi, I'm Eve. I am 14 years old and a senior writer for the Weekly Spaceman. I enjoy writing about the science behind space, and I am also very interested in the technology that will help us to better understand our cosmos.

  • Luke Madgett

    Hello Iā€™m Luke, I'm 15 and I write articles here for the Weekly Spaceman. I live in the UK and I am particularly interested in spaceflight that furthers our understanding of the universe or furthers human presence in it.

  • Ownitt

    Salutations! I am Ownitt, I am 17 years old from Oxfordshire, UK. I am a rocket enthusiast that likes to write, why do I like to write? I want to spread awareness about what is happening in the field of British rocketry, it is also very fun to show my own knowledge and research to people who don't know about it yet.

  • Gentleman's Astronautics

    I am a writer for The Weekly Spaceman, specialising in rockets that were and were not

  • Cosmic Arc Bunker

    Hi, I'm Ahmad Abu Khudair and I'm 17. I'm a member of the Jordanian Astronomical Society and a 3D modeler of spacecraft and planets, with a curiosity driven by my fascination with the universe around us.

  • Starkerb

  • Starship26

    Spaceflight Writer


    Spaceflight Writer

  • OneMarsyBoi

    spaceflight writer