Artificial Satellites - Why are they so important? How do they affect us?

Satellites, specifically artificial satellites, are objects in space placed in an orbit around a celestial body, like Earth. These pieces of technology are truly marvelous to our society today. According to the satellite tracking website “Orbiting Now,"  there are approximately 10,257 active satellites around our planet, give or take a few. These pieces of technology have become an integral part of our everyday lives, so it is important to know their significance to our society today. Satellites serve many purposes for us humans here on Earth and beyond our exploration of the solar system. From global communication to planetary exploration, this is surely an impressive feat of technology. With enhancements in our current space technology, satellites will surely have more purposes in the years to come.


1. Global Communication

Left: SpaceX Starlink Ad (SpaceX) Right: Starlink Satellites In Orbit (SpaceX)

One of the primary goals of space satellites is to enable global communication and TV broadcasting all around the globe. These types of satellites are also known as communication satellites. Names like SpaceX Starlink and SES are examples of satellites that acquire this type of purpose, as Starlink is used for the internet while SES is used for satellite TV. These satellites facilitate the transmission of television, radio, and internet signals all around the globe, especially in the most rural areas where cable internet and cable TV cannot reach these places. By enabling global communication through space satellites, we can enable a future where people in rural areas can stay connected throughout the world, no matter how far-fledged their locations are.


2. Navigation

Left: Google Maps GPS Service (Google) Right: How does GPS work (Federal Aviation Administration)

Another purpose of space satellites is to enable global and accurate navigation all around the globe. Satellites such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) acquire this type of purpose. These satellites make sure that we get accurate positioning data as we go to our destinations, no matter if we are using them for transportation or for delivering goods and services. It may also be used for direct action during emergencies, as responders can get to places easier as satellites like these will automatically give your location whenever something urgent needs to be resolved directly.


3. Earth exploration and weather forecasting

Left: Earth Portrait Photo (NOAA and NASA) Right: Satellite Looking At Earth From Space (NASA)

Exploring Earth from space gives us a new perspective on what our planet looks like from above. This benefit is also gained from using space-based satellites. Satellites such as Landsat and Sentinel pioneer these types of observations. These satellites are called Earth-observation satellites. Data from Earth observation satellites is most commonly used in archaeology, cartography, environmental monitoring, meteorology, and reconnaissance applications. These satellites can also provide us with real-time data on atmospheric conditions, sea surface temperatures, and cloud cover, which are factors to consider when forecasting future weather conditions that meteorologists can use. This data is crucial for agriculture, disaster preparedness, and other purposes.


4. Solar system exploration and beyond

Left: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Around The Moon (NASA) Right: Mars Relay Network Plan (NASA)

Satellites not only help us here on Earth but also in our exploration efforts around the solar system and beyond. These objects are critical for mission success as they provide our eyes and ears every time a mission occurs. Satellites like the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter pioneer in these types of observations. They can be used for remote sensing, capturing high-resolution images, communication relays, and analyzing surface compositions of planets, moons, and more. These observations can help us in future missions and learn more about what is on our solar system and beyond.

- Conclusion

Artificial space satellites are essential for modern society, giving us new things we never have had before. These tools provide new ways to communicate, navigate, and explore above and beyond, making us learn and improve even more.

To ensure the continued benefits of space satellites, we should:

1. Continue to improve our spaceflight infrastructure through proper research and development funding from the ground and beyond starting from our satellites to our launchpads, and our rockets.

2. Address new challenges with spaceflight such as space debris through international cooperation so that our access to space satellites will continue safely and securely.

3. (and lots more)

By continuing to support these efforts, we ensure that our access to space will continue, so as peaceful international cooperation towards a spacefaring civilization with the assistance of artificial satellites.


This is KYNNMASTER 123, for The Weekly Spaceman, see you in the next one! 😊


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