LOOK UP! A partial solar eclipse is coming this March 29, 2025 - where can you see it?
On March 29, 2025, people within Europe, Northern Asia, North/West Africa, much of North America, northern South America, the Atlantic, and the Arctic will see the Sun being partially hidden in shape, casting a shadow in places where the event will be seen. This occurrence is called a Partial Solar Eclipse, where the Moon’s shadow blocks the Sun. Instead of completely blocking the Sun, it will partially cover it this time due to how the orbits of these celestial bodies work. So now that our overview is done, let’s see where and when some places will see this Partial Solar Eclipse and what to expect within this celestial event. And if your place might not be mentioned in this one - don’t fret. We’ll also talk about where you can watch the eclipse as it unfolds through online platforms.
What places can see the eclipse?
According to a table provided on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website, we can identify which cities and their corresponding countries will experience a partial solar eclipse. Please note that all times listed are in the local time for each location mentioned. Some cities may not be included, as the selections are based on their prominence. Additionally, nearby areas may also witness the eclipse as it occurs. (Zoom-in the screen to see the table clearly)
[An asterisk (*) under “Partial Begins” indicates that the eclipse will begin before sunrise and the time given is for sunrise.]
What should I expect?
A partial solar eclipse is seen in this photo on the right side.
During a partial solar eclipse, you can expect the sun to be shaped like a crescent, which should be reminiscent of the Moon during a phase such as the Crescent Phase (Waxing and Waning Crescent). Instead of the Moon looking like a crescent on one side, it will be the Sun that will look like a crescent on one side as the Moon’s shadow covers it partially. The moon will only block part of the sun, causing the sun to still be visible to observers here on the ground. Since the sun will still be visible in locations where the eclipse will occur, eye protection is needed to see the partial eclipse in all of its glory. Tips on how to see the eclipse and other reminders, especially on eye protection, can be found in NASA’s article (which you can click and access here)
Where can I watch the solar eclipse, if I'm not in the locations stated?
If you are not in one of the locations stated - don’t fret! Timeanddate has a livestream scheduled for it, here below!
This is KYNNMASTER 123 for The Weekly Spaceman, see you in the next one! 😊