The Weekly Rocket Report #13
Ricky Whitmore
Space Writer
Hello everyone, welcome back to the Weekly Rocket Report. Fairly short week this week, only 4 launches, let’s talk about them.
The week begins Monday evening with a Falcon 9 launching Starlink Group 11-10. The rocket placed its 23 satellites into orbit and the first stage booster landed back on the drone ship “Of Course I Still Love You”.
Tuesday evening brought with it a maiden flight. Introducing the Long March 8A into the pantheon of Long March vehicles. The first Long March 8A launched SatNet LEO Group 02 to low earth orbit for its Demo Flight, which was successful.
Long March 8A launches on its Demo Flight. Photo Credit:
Tuesday afternoon saw another Starlink mission launched by Falcon 9, this time Starlink Group 12-18. Following the booster landing on the drone ship “Just Read the Instructions” the 21 payloads were deployed to orbit.
Falcon 9 launches Starlink Group 12-18. Photo Credit: SpaceX.
The early morning hours of Saturday saw the final launch of the week, another Starlink mission on Falcon 9. 21 satellites were successfully deployed and the booster landed down range on the drone ship “A Shortfall of Gravitas”. The booster for this mission, B10667, became the new record holder for Falcon Boosters, successfully launching its 26th mission.
That’s all for this week everyone, as I said a rather short one this week. Hopefully I will see you all back here next week for another installment of the Weekly Rocket Report.
As always feel free to write to me at, or find me on X @Rickyew2112
Sic Itur Ad Astra
(Thus They Journey to the Stars)